Written by Ashlie Baty

I am by no means a confidence expert. I have to give myself pep talks and force a smile all the time. But that’s just the thing – no one is perfect. No one can be confident 100% of the time – we all have our moments of doubt. No one is born with the magic confidence gene.

And this is a good thing. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Confidence is a LEARNED SKILL. Yup. Have no fear – this is something we can ALL pick up with a little bit of practice. Looking for some tips on how to add confidence to your daily routine? Follow the two-step process below. 1. Take some pointers from Jessica in her hit YouTube video HERE. With more than 20 million views, she must be doing something right in the confidence department.

2. Check out this article by Inc outlining the 10 Habits of the Most Confident People. Anything stand out to you? Any particular favorite habits that have worked for you?


Lucky for us – Alpha Sigma Alpha’s aims fall perfectly in line with these habits.

#6 Exercise? Check!

#8 Volunteer and Give back? Boom.

#9 Socialize? Done!

#1, 2, 3, 4 and 10? I think they have the intellectual part covered.

Next time you’re working on your personal aim goals- take a few minutes to reflect on your own self-confidence. And when you need a boost – know that your AΣA sisters will be there for you. Share your thoughts about what stands out to you and the habits that you like to follow with confidence!